Volume 31, Issue 2 (2024)                   AIJH 2024, 31(2): 67-100 | Back to browse issues page

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Afzali A, Bahman Abadi S. The Study of Persuasive Techniques in the Debate of Imam Al-Reza (AS) with Suleiman Al-Marwazi. AIJH 2024; 31 (2) :67-100
URL: http://aijh.modares.ac.ir/article-31-77655-en.html
1- Associate Professor, Department of Arabic literature, University of Tehran , ali.afzali@ut.ac.ir
2- PhD Candidate, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (637 Views)
The Hajjaj theory is one of the sub-branches of rhetorical discourse which gives importance to the external dimension of speech and its effect on how to convey the subject. In this way, the theory gives way to a modern trend in linguistics since it is related to studying rhetorical techniques that aim to stimulate the minds of those being addressed, or to raise their support for the issues under discussion in order to reach a general agreement. This theory is also concerned about examining and testing the conditions that help initiate and develop the aforementioned theory as well as the effects resulting from it. Argumentation is only one of the functions of rhetoric, and therefore it is not a science equivalent to rhetoric, rather an arsenal of methods and voices that are assumed from rhetoric. Therefore, it is easy for argumentation to merge with rhetoric in many ways. This research, with descriptive-analytical approach, seeks to apply the Hajjaj theory to the debate of Imam Reza (AS) with the Suleiman Al-Marwazi, which revolves around the issue of beginning and the attributes of God the Almighty. One of the most important results that the research reached is the rise of several methods such as interrogation, repetition, shortening, introduction and delay, the condition, emphasis with (that), the nominal sentence, the words of reasoning, adjective, verbs, and argumentative links, in turn, completely and in their best forms. Rhetorical mechanisms, namely simile, metonymy, opposition, and implication, played a noticeable role in persuasion.

Received: 2024/10/25 | Accepted: 2024/12/12 | Published: 2024/12/12

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