Abstract: (9752 Views)
Khalil Hawi has used the stories of Christianity & Islam in his poems in order to explain a pattern of the political reality by making changes in them to show his poetrical, and political views. Khalil Hawi benefited from two elegys(Lazarus 1962, Sad Mother) of Christianity to express political reality in the Arab world symbolically and pessimistic vision in these two poems; the pessimism view has emerged in these elegys by explaning the things such as weakness, despair, distance and disease. The goal of this research is investigating his poetric way in showing how the story invoked the heritage and style in the use of the political issues, specially about the realation between government and people. This research deals with the realation between government and people in the poet’s view. He reprimands inefficient leaders, and he wants to change them into efficient leaders; he the promises tiding that a person as a hero would deliver to Arab nations. The main part of the elegys is about Arab nations; the poet criticizes them because of their torpor & weakness, and invites them to takeover. He praises Palestine nation(specially Palestinian mothers) as they have eminent station in his poems. He further criticzes the oppression & cruelty of the Zionists. The result of this research is that the way of Khalil Hawi is symbolic. He discovers symbolisms from Christianity heritage, and mixes them with pessimism view and criticism.
Received: 2013/08/6 | Accepted: 2014/10/23 | Published: 2015/03/21