1- Ph.D Student of Political Geography AT kharazmi University
2- Associate Professor of Political Geography, Department of Political Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University , ataabdi@khu.ac.ir
3- Assistant Professor of Art Research, Islamic Azad University, Islamic-Iranian Arts Units
4- Assistant Professor of Culture and Arts, Shiraz University of Arts
Abstract: (952 Views)
By its multidisciplinary nature, geopolitics deals with various areas of political and spatial phenomena; these phenomena have both external and objective reality as well as abstract and subjective reality. With the increase of literature related to critical geopolitics, the fields of geopolitical studies expanded its range of studies in new fields and environments such as environment, culture and art. Meanwhile, art as a popular science and category has special political and spatial effects. Given the common themes in the two fields of geopolitics and art, the present study aimed to investigate the examples and relations between geopolitics and art, and the geopolitics of art. To answer this question with a descriptive-analytical method, the geopolitical concepts and examples of art were studied. Findings showed that geopolitical concepts such as competition, cooperation, power, politics and space reflected and represented in art on different scales. Thus, art in its general and broad sense under the title of fine arts, and art as a space for the transmission of meaning (iconographic element) is a kind of objective and abstract space in which geopolitical concepts and foundations were represented.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Arts and Humanities (General) Received: 2021/09/7 | Accepted: 2022/07/22 | Published: 1983/07/11