Volume 28, Issue 2 (2021)                   AIJH 2021, 28(2): 125-149 | Back to browse issues page

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amirjani S, Kurd Zafaranlou Kambouziya A, Najafian A. Resolving Hiatus in Verbs Inflection of Persian Language: Teaching Non-Persian Speakers. AIJH 2021; 28 (2) :125-149
URL: http://aijh.modares.ac.ir/article-31-41484-en.html
1- Linguistics, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Qom, Iran.
2- Department of Linguistics, Tarbiat Modares University. , akord@modares.ac.ir
3- Department of Linguistics, Payam-e Noor University, Iran
Abstract:   (2491 Views)
The present research aims to analyze the morphophonemic processes of present stem after adding inflectional affixes. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the method of data collection is base on Dehkhoda Dictionary (2011), and Sokhan Dictionary (2003). There are 159 present stem based on Tabataba'i (1997) which are uncusative affixes, undenominative and unborrowing stems. The data have been analyzed in the framework of Generative Phonological theory and then transcribed according to the International Phonetic Alphabet "I.P.A". Results show that in formal speaking "Hamza" or the glottal stop [ʔ] is added to verbs that begin with vowel. After adding the implication and command prefix /be-/ to the present stem of simple verbs in Persian Language, because of the hiatus and the initial vowel stems, the glide [j] is inserted and then the process of raising the vowel /e/ of the implication and command prefix will happen; therefore, the vowel shortening process in informal spoken Persian Language is not seen but only the process of gliding and raising the vowel happens. On the other hand after adding the continuance prefix / mi- /, "Hamza" is not inserted in informal spoken Persian Language and instead, the front vowel shortening process /i/ and gliding as short vowel sequence and gliding [-ej-] and then raising the front central vowel [e] before gliding [j] as vowel sequence and glide [-ij-] are observed. In such structures, there is no "Hamza" or the glottal stop [ʔ] in the hiatus in informal spoken. . The results of the present study show that a) in informal spoken, the weight of some syllables becomes lighter than its weight in formal spoken. b) The number of syllables of a word is in some cases less than the formal.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2020/04/4 | Accepted: 2021/06/21 | Published: 2021/06/22

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