Volume 27, Issue 1 (2020)                   AIJH 2020, 27(1): 67-95 | Back to browse issues page

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talebi Ghareghashlaghi J. The Manifestations of Sufi Discourse and its Components in the poetry of Mahmoud Hasan Ismail: A Case Study of Soot Min Allah (The Voice of God). AIJH 2020; 27 (1) :67-95
URL: http://aijh.modares.ac.ir/article-31-38745-en.html
Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farhangyan University, Tehran , jamal_talebii@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4044 Views)
Sufi literature is a kind of transcendent literature that contains sublime meanings as well as high spiritual attributes and characteristics. Mahmoud Hasan Ismail inspired by the Sufi experience, which represents a special stage in the evolution of his poetry has represented transcendental themes in his work Soot Min Allah (The Voice of God), which is the manifestation of his thirsty soul in reaching the absolute divine essence. This study through a descriptive and analytical method represents the components of the Sufi discourse in the poetry of Ismail and examines its brightness and visions through his collection "The Voice of God". The most important finding of the study is that the poet in his mystic speech exceeded the limits of intertwining with the ideas and references of Sufism. This is reflected in the construction of his poems, images and compositions, turning it into a mystical vision where the soul flew in new worlds and rid the body of its material. On the other hand, an absolute self-love is the basic principle in “The Voice of God”, whose spirit is emancipated from the flesh of the flesh, so he goes to the ends of existence and calls it towards union with the divine self and its annihilation. In linguistic terms, the Sufi language of Ismail was characterized by the employment of some mystical symbols that have visible and hidden connotations, including flute, light and wine, which abound in his poetry compared to other symbols, in a manner that has increased the meaning of beauty and splendor.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2020/01/8 | Accepted: 2020/02/22 | Published: 2020/04/30

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