Volume 31, Issue 3 (2025)                   AIJH 2025, 31(3): 55-83 | Back to browse issues page

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Kaabi A, Hadadi B, Shmoon Al-Shaykh A. The Inclusiveness of Salvation in the Vision of a Number of Contemporary Arab Thinkers, Emphasizing the Thought of Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Al-Refae. AIJH 2025; 31 (3) :55-83
URL: http://aijh.modares.ac.ir/article-31-72835-en.html
1- Assistant Professor at the University of Religions and Denomenations, and Al al-Bayt University - PhD Candidate in the Department of Comparative Studies of Religions, specializing in “Christian Theology , mahtad2020@yahoo.com
2- Associate professor and member of the teaching committee at the University of Religions and Denominations
3- Assistant professor and member of the teaching committee at Al-Mustafa International University.
Abstract:   (647 Views)
The concept of salvation is presented in different religions according to special principles. In Christianity, it is presented on the basis of Christian faith, and in Islam, it is presented within several concepts, but the most prominent of which is “najat” which is based on the faith that Islam calls for. From this view, the opinions of contemporary Arab thinkers differed toward varied religions and salvation. From this standpoint, the views of the most prominent contemporary Arab Christian and Muslim thinkers on the issue of salvation range between Inclusivism and exclusivism. Some of them adopt an Inclusivism vision and do not reject religious pluralism and believe in the possibility of salvation for followers of other religions, while others adopt an exclusive vision on the basis of which they reject the possibility of salvation for followers of other religions. Some of them do not believe in the possibility of salvation for followers of other sects that branch off from their religion. This article was conducted according to a descriptive analytical research method relying on library sources with the aim of exploring the opinions of the contemporary Iraqi thinker Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Al-Refae with a review of the opinions of some contemporary Arab thinkers regarding what was mentioned. The results indicated that he adopts an Inclusive vision in light of his belief in the breadth and universality of God’s mercy, and based on significant rational and religious evidence that proves the possibility of salvation for followers of other religions away from religious and sectarian fanaticism. He believes in the principle of pluralism of religions, so he calls for the necessity of respecting all religions and not underestimating their credos, and rejects “takfir” and doctrinal disputes that provoke hostility and hatred. However, there are others who hold an exclusive view based on their religious and sectarian fanaticism, relying only on religious evidence, some of which is shrouded in doubt in terms of historical support or whose significance does not amount to generalizing punishment to all human beings. Its implications can also be interpreted in another way such that its exclusivity at the level of salvation for followers of other religions is denied.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Received: 2023/12/9 | Accepted: 2024/05/16 | Published: 2025/03/30

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