1- tarbiat modares university
Abstract: (8335 Views)
This study is based on this question, that if it would be required to write a screen play about Islamic and Shi'ah infallible leaders (Imams), then what would be the suitable model for this. The classic model, in this regard often based on the Aristotle model, is not enough and ideal to present the infallible Islamic characters. This is because it is forbidden to show the face of the Islamic infallible characters in film, and also according to Shi'ah believes they have static characters in which they are incompatible with the Aristotle’s characterization model. This study focuses on the characterization aspect in screenplay throw the assessment of the technical capacities in classical screenplay aiming to answer this question that how much these techniques could represent the character of the infallible Shi'ah leaders. The hypothesis of this study is based on this point that the technical capacity of the Aristotle model in screenplay is more proper to show the secular character rather than to represent the holy and infallible character. We have to change the essence of such models founding some new technical capacities and introduce a specific novel model. It has been reached in this study that the characterization models in the Aristotle and Hollywood drama cannot display the Islamic infallible figure, which needs different methods and aesthetic changes. Also, concerning the several problems mentioned in this article, not only scenario writers must look for solutions, but also Islamic scholars, specialized in jurisprudence and Sharia’a, should interfere in resolving the obstacles and suspicions raised in this study, in order for the scenario writer to innovate within a clearly defined perimeter. We also concluded that it is possible to benefit from some of the experiences and innovations in the Western cinema in order to surpass the limited space of our experiences provided that we must expand our creativity potential.
Arts and Humanities (General) Received: 2014/02/6 | Accepted: 2016/03/11 | Published: 2016/07/16