Authors' Guide

Guidelines for Author

The International Journal of Humanities encompasses a verity of subjects in the field of humanities (language, literature, jurisprudence and law, theology, history, sociology, archeology, geography, linguistics etc...).

Based on license no. 12681/89 dated 4/9/2010 and 'scientific- research' status from the General Manager of Research Affairs of the Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, this quarterly published as 'the International Journal of Humanities' from 2010 and as "Studies in the Humanities" from 2013.

Printable articles/papers in the journal are divided into three groups:

  1. Complete research articles:   Paper must be a research work of author or authors.
  2. Review-analytical articles: The journal accepts a limited number of qualified people who have a thorough insight into a particular topic and were able to a number of their research papers published in the same field.
  3. Review of works by internal and external experts in the proposed domain.

Terms for Paper Submission:

• Submitted papers should contain following sections:

  1. First page: it must carry a full title of article in English and Persian, author or authors' name in Persian and English (corresponding author should be marked with star symbol), academic rank and name of institution of each author in both English and Persian, complete address of the corresponding author including his/her postal and e-mail addresses.
  2. Second page: it must contain the full title of article in Persian; an abstract in Persian (maximum 250 words), keywords (maximum of five words), full title of the paper in English (appropriate and consistent with Persian translation); a abstract in English (maximum 250 words and consistent with Persian abstract), keywords in English (up to five) and the whole article should range between 3000 to 6500 words.
  3. Next page includes introduction (definition of the subject of an article, research questions, hypotheses, methodology (research approach), and body of article (discussion and study), conclusion, references, and appendices.

Note 1: Tables and figures are designed with desired software and apart from placing them in the texts, each must be sent on separate sheets and CDs.


Note 2: Script of article, in format and typing, should be based on the one followed by Academy of Persian Language and Literature.

Note 3: Apart from online submission, a copy of the article on A4-type paper, along with CD should be sent to the journal's office.

Note 4: Location of referred photos, figures, tables and graphs should be listed with number in the text.

Note 5: Tables and figures should carry required headers at the bottom.

Note 6: Terms or their Latin equivalent (independently for each page) should be listed in the footnotes.

Note 7: Additional comments, short references (other than a modification or equivalent) based on number should be brought at the end of the article.

Note 8: The article should have a footnote (at the bottom of the page) or endnotes (at the end of the article). Please note that all specialized words, names, new and vague terms need explanations in footnotes or endnotes.

Note 9: References in the text should be mentioned in bracket (name, year: page number/s). Non- Persian sources like the Persian ones will be mentioned (from left to right). Direct quotations (more than 40 words) will be inserted separately in the text with indent (half centimeter) from the right side (with font 11).

Note 10: Name of books and journals in the text are written in bold and italic (font 11) and name of essays, poems and short stories would be placed within "quotation".

• Methods to Arrange Sources: 

  1. a.     Books 
    Family name of author, first name. (Year of publication). Name of Book. Name and family name of translator. Volume. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
  2. b.    Article
    Family name of author, first name. (Year of publication). "Name of article". Name of journal or electronic publication (in italic letters and font 11). Period. Date of visit to site (if electronic media).

• How to Write Articles:

  1. Papers are arranged using Yaghut B, font 12 (in Latin with Times Roman, font11), preferably with Word 2003 in Windows Xp space and the page number comes middle of the bottom of each page.
  2.  The approximate distance between the lines is 1.5 cm with page margins respectively 4=left, 4.5=bottom, 4.5=top, 4=right.
  3. Images must be sent in Jpeg format with 300 dpi or 300 ppi resolution and they must be legible, clear and accurate.
  4. Diagrams, if possible, should be prepared using Excel software.
  5. Tables must be designed using Word software.

Some Other Rules: 
• The submitted draft will not be returned, hence; it is recommended that author(s) keep a copy of the submitted materials with them;
• The submitted articles must not have published in other journals or have not submitted simultaneously in other journals or before submitting or simultaneously at the time of its submission has not presented in the form of a speech or posters. These obligations remain in force with this journal until the end of the final response.
• In case articles are rejected elsewhere, this journal's office must be informed about their process and reasons;
 • Acceptance and publication of an article is conditional to approval by Editorial Board;
• Articles extracted from PhD theses will published respectively with the names of supervisor, student and first, second or more advisors with an integrated responsibility of the supervisor.
• If a supervisor agrees with the absence of his name at the first place or a corresponding author, he would write an official request and at the end of the article, too, a phrase "article extracted form thesis" is mentioned.
• In a research and independent article, the name of faculty member (preferably with the academic rank of Assistant Professor and above) along with post graduate student will be included.
• A complete article must not exceed 20 pages (ranging between 3000 and 6500 words). Journal is unable to accept a paper exceeding that limit.
• The first page of a submission must carry a complete title in Persian and Arabic, followed by author(s) name in Persian and Arabic (the name of corresponding author should be marked with star), academic rank and name of institution of each of authors in Persian and Arabic, complete address of corresponding author including postal and email addresses.
• The completion of online submission form available on the main page of the journal's website is essential to get a receipt. In case of wrong information or author's lack of obligation, the journal is bound to cut ties with author(s) for this issue or for future submission.

• The journal has the right to accept or reject an article as well as edit the same.
• Arabic is the official language of the journal but presenting a Persian and English abstract (appropriate and consistent with the Arabic one) is required.

Acceptance or rejection of a paper includes following procedures: 
(The process is visible in the list of "journal's information" as" paper acceptance process" on the main page of the website:
1.  Acceptance of article via journal's website;
2 . Submission of paper to members of the Editorial Board or internal manager;
3 . Review of article in the editorial board's meeting, online review or through email, the results of which are as follows:

-  Rejection of a paper in editorial board's meeting due to lack of priority, lack of compliance with contents and scope of journal, poor quality etc.., are informed to respective author.

- Considering initial corrections (before referee stage), a paper is retuned to author(s) and after performing corrections highlighted by the board (if approved) will be sent to referees.

4. An article is sent to minimum two referees for adjudication. Referees' responses are usually in three forms: positive, negative, corrections.  
5. Presenting referee's judgment to the editorial board for review and decisions lead to three outcomes:

- Rejection of paper because of two negative judgments

- Referring a paper to a third arbitrator (in case of a negative judgment and a correction)
- Sending the draft back to author for performing highlighted corrections (incase of correction suggested by two referees)

6. Receipt of corrected paper from author(s)
7. Sending the corrected version to a comparative referee (usually one of the two previous ones) that accompanies three outcomes:

- Rejection of applied correction
- Acceptance
- Advice for further corrections

8. And suggestion for further correction and its performance lead to:

- Author will be asked to apply those suggested corrections in their draft;
- Incase of application of all amendments, an acceptance letter is issued to author;
- A paper will be rejected in case of author's failure to abide by suggestions by a comparative referee.